
Cuddigan J, Haesler E, Moore Z, Carville K, Kottner J. Development, dissemination and evaluation of a smartphone-based app for pressure ulcer/injury prevention and treatment for use at the bedside. Journal of Wound Care. 2022; 31:S29-S39

The Official International Pressure Injury and Treatment Quick Reference Guide Mobile App.

Avsar P, Moore Z, Patton D. Dressings for preventing pressure ulcers: how do they work?. Journal of Wound Care. 2021; 30:(1)33-39

Woodley A. Can teledermatology meet the needs of the remote and rural population?. Br J Nurs. 2021; 30:(10)574-579

Cleveland Clinic. Skin Graft. 2021. (accessed 5 December)

Garcia N, Dat Wah Lau L, Hean Lo C, Cleland H, Shiva Akbarzadeh S. Understanding the mechanisms of spontaneous and skin-grafted wound repair: the path to engineered skin grafts. Journal of Wound Care. 2023; 32:(1)55-62


Here we provide an overview of recently published articles that may be of interest to wound care professionals. Should you wish to look at any of the papers in more detail, full articles are included in this issue

Journal of Wound Care: Development, dissemination, and evaluation of a smartphone-based app for pressure ulcer/injury prevention and treatment for use at the bedside

Overview: The launch of the 2019 International Pressure Ulcer/Injury Guideline by the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP), the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP), and the Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance (PPPIA) was an international success. It also brought about a realization that there needed to be a way to bring the guidelines to the bedside. After months of discussion on various formats, the app format was chosen for ease of use and to support the delivery of quality care. Sensory Data Corporation, US and the Guideline Governance Group entered into a partnership to develop the Interpip app in both Android and iOS platforms with the following goals:

This research article provides insight for the development and early implementation stages of the InterPIP app with feedback from 47 anonymous users in 14 countries including considerations for information/content, usability, design, functionality, ethics, and security/privacy. Interpretation of user evaluations identified valuable information for improvements to enhance the InterPIP app for pressure ulcers/injuries point of care.

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